Adalee is two months old now, the average NICU baby is only there for a few weeks. Shes one of the oldest babies in there. She is now a regular, everyone knows her and loves her! Its hard to watch all the families come and go and wonder when it will be our day to walk out of there with her and FINALLY take her home. Alot has gone on this past month, on January 21st Adee* went in for surgery #2 to have a central line placed in the chest. A central line is a more perminit IV that can stay in for as long as she needs it. While Adee was being taking to the O.R Jamison was able to take a peek at her little sister, she wasnt impressed! She now weighs 7lbs 3oz, shes up to 14mls an hour of formula through her feeding tube and getting 2 bottles twice a days with 28mls of formula. She seems to be doing well her poops are less frequent and thicker, but she still is not growing as quickly as they would like to see. We were told its a possibility that we will be taking her home the end of April, but before we get her home we have to learn how to take care of everything that is attached to her right now which includes, changing the sterile dressing over her central line, learning to hook up her IV fluids, and having to put her feeding tube down her nose into her belly. I have a hard time with the fact that I will have to shove this tube down her nose, I know it doesnt hurt her but she doesnt like it and I hate that she has to have it, but we have to do what we have to do. It seem like theres finally a light at the end of this long tunnel. I know its not going to be easy when she gets home, its probally going to be one of the hardest things we will go through as a family, but she belongs here with us!
*Adalees Great Grandma Dee asked if we would change the spelling from Addy to Adee! xoxoxo
Her central line |